Strategic objective of research and development

These days, nothing experiences faster development than information and communication technologies. This major modern revolution entails a mass expansion of mobile internet connectivity and a growing number of devices connected to the world wide web. Such devices are increasingly installed directly into cars but also regular cell phones can be considered their alternatives. The RODOS Centre reacts to this trend and would like to use its potential to improve the passenger mobility not only in the Czech Republic but also in the neighboring countries. By its nature, the traffic flow has to be smooth and uninterrupted, and, given its position in the center of Europe, the Czech Republic is pre-destined to play the role of a transit country. By connecting almost all vehicles to the information highway, the road transportation will become similar to that of airplanes or trains in the near future. By using high connectivity and the two-way transmission of real-time data, transportation as a whole can be managed more effectively. Long-term strategic objective of the centre is to create complex information superstructure for transport utilizing new transport informatics tools and integrating them into existing telematic systems. During the course of research strategy realization, new methods of mobility
  • monitoring,
  • modelling,
  • control,
  • affecting,
  • support and pricing
will be developed.

Specific outputs of research activities

  • Launching of a complex database of passenger and goods mobility in the area of the Czech Republic.
  • Launching of the Dynamic Mobility Model (traffic, emission and energy model), including integration of submodels, analytic and predictive functions and dedicated interfaces designed for related systems, applications and special maps.
  • Launching of innovative systems for traffic control in both cities and urban areas, based on new control methods and input data types.
  • Formulation of the methodology for collecting data and information describing economic indicators of the transport. Starting pilot test of toll for passenger vehicles on current toll network. Proposal of new pricing methods for cities, regions and special zones.
  • Formulation of new methods of multimodal mobility simulation and optimization. Starting pilot operation of microsimulation model of traffic planning and pilot tests of designed systematic data-oriented measures for mobility management.
All the technologies and applications will be implemented in the form of pilot operation which means that they will be ready to be put to work in real-life conditions. The RODOS centre outputs are designed especially for three target groups:
  • Public institutions responsible for the operation of highways and roads – from the Ministry of Transportation to the regions and statutory bodies of medium and large cities to the administrators of Class II and III roads
  • Commercial partners – especially foreign partners focusing on intelligent transportation systems and deal with public administration, also providers of services for the public which may include web portals, navigation system operators and car manufacturers
  • The professional public – regional and municipal transportation department workers, heads of ministerial departments, researchers, consultants, and specialized media

The centre outputs’ users

Public administration

  • Ministry of Transport
  • Road and Motorway Directorate of the Czech Republic
  • Regions (o Statutory bodies of mid-sized towns and cities, Companies responsible for road operation)

Professional public

  • employees of regional and municipal departments of transport,
  • heads of ministerial divisions,
  • researchers
  • consultants,
  • and others


General public belongs to the RODOS centre’s users, as implementation of the centre’s results will affect the drivers directly.